Friday, September 19, 2008

Fishing in McCall

A few weeks ago I was looking for some pictures and I came across the pictures from the Keller Family Reunion 2004.  Grandpa was absolutely amazing.  He spent hours on two different days on Marcie's dock helping the grandkids catch fish.  He let them each throw his pole around and he patiently stood by them while they impatiently tried to catch the big fish they could see swimming right under the dock.  They would see the fish and get excited and point and shout and scare the fish further under the dock.  Finally Grandpa pulled up a whopper (as Grant called all big fish back then).  That poor fish was hugged and poked and dropped, but it was quiet the attraction.  What an awesome Grandpa...  

That was also the year Grandpa took us on a hike behind the cabin and showed us the frogs.  We caught tons of frogs that year and the next, up behind the cabin.  It started a fire in the kids and the rest of the trip they were catching frogs.  The following are pictures from that summer up in McCall (sorry there are a lot).  

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